Climate Change Puts African Women Entrepreneurs at Risk

african women entrepreneurs vulnerable

Climate Change Puts African Women Entrepreneurs at Risk' highlights the unique challenges faced by these entrepreneurs amidst climate variability, leaving readers intrigued about the strategies needed to address gender inequalities and ensure their inclusion in decision-making processes.

Female entrepreneurship in Africa: many challenges left

African women are world champions in entrepreneurship. According to the study on the subject published by Rolland Berger for Women in Africa, nearly 24% of African women of working age are involved in business creation. That’s more than anywhere else. By way of comparison, the same rate is expected to be 11% in Southeast Asia … Read more

The Twitter Safety Guide for Women

Online Security Protection Internet Safety Guard Lock Concept

Have you ever been harassed on the street? Have you ever received a harsh message on a dating application? Has a colleague ever made an inappropriate remark about your appearance? You are not the only one. With the #MeToo movement that started in Hollywood, followed by #Balancetonporc in France for example, all you have to … Read more

More and more women in new technology professions

The sector of new technologies and digital professions are no longer the only domain of men. However, while an increasing number of women are taking an interest in these new professions that are emerging in most companies, it must be noted that there is still room for improvement. More is needed The Ada WEEK, a week … Read more

Does a woman have to behave like a man to succeed?

succesful empowered woman

Here is a rather friendly piece of advice that will give you some practical ideas to reconcile leisure and professional life. But everything must work as planned. The BBC’s Eileen Carey story, revealed by the BBC, has recently made a buzz. The head of a Silicon Valley company described how she decided to switch from … Read more

Appliances that save you time on household chores

women are busy with their houses

Cleaning floors and windows are the two most time-consuming tasks in a home and we all know how precious time can be in our busy lives and careers. One of the reasons for this is that these are the largest areas of a house. Today we will show you how to maximize cleaning efficiency at … Read more

Women in the Industrial Sector

industrial sector and women

Who would imagine that the person responsible for the final assembly of Boeing… is a woman? Industrial professions are no longer reserved exclusively for men. Women first entered discreetly, often through the small door. Today, they have a career there. And even if they are still in the minority, they are less and less contested … Read more

Women, Learn How to Negotiate your Wage


Too many women do not dare to negotiate their hiring wages or hesitate to ask for an increase. In the metropolis of Detroit, a hundred employees experienced training sessions organized by the Detroit’s Business School. Very useful. Ladies, you have to dare! While one in two men negotiate their wages when they are hired, only … Read more

Women and the World of New Technologies

women are also geeks and nerds

The world of technology is rapidly evolving with different people benefiting from these changes. Well, these people include the women in society. Unlike before where that all women could do was to take care of the home and their families, with new technologies at hand women can be able to take care of their families … Read more

New technologies, creating new opportunities for women

women an technologies

As we speak of a fourth industrial revolution, we realize that it is more than ever necessary for women, especially Muslim women, to finally be able to take advantage of the opportunities associated with the consequences of the third industrial revolution. In countries in the Middle East, a majority of women are found in scientific … Read more