New technologies, creating new opportunities for women

As we speak of a fourth industrial revolution, we realize that it is more than ever necessary for women, especially Muslim women, to finally be able to take advantage of the opportunities associated with the consequences of the third industrial revolution.

In countries in the Middle East, a majority of women are found in scientific fields. In Iran, for example, 80% of engineers are women.

Experts estimate that there are even 35% of tech women entrepreneurs in this region.

Pushing women towards new sectors

Contrary to this finding, it is estimated that women account for 3 to 30% of the workforce in Europe. According to figures provided by the European Commission, less than 30% of the workforce in the profession is female.

We are faced with an extremely negative observation. However, it is a sector that contributes directly to 5.9% of GDP in Europe and accounts for more than 50% of Europe’s productivity growth, with a shortage of around 300,000 skilled people. In France, the industry of the future represents more than 35,000 jobs per year and 10,000 net job creation.

It is, therefore, more than ever necessary to push our women towards these new sectors, especially those of the Muslim faith. Because in Europe for example, the many prejudices linked to “the French woman of Muslim faith” follow her in every moment of her life and especially during her job search.

a marketing expert


Many external and internal barriers are breaking down and making this process difficult. Are we going to be discriminated against about our name, undoubtedly too Arabized to their taste? Are we going to be asked to withdraw our veil? As many questions as many women are asking themselves and experience has shown that the answer is often “yes.” According to the High Authority for Against Discrimination, 57% of complaints filed for religious discrimination concerned women wearing the veil.

Thus, even before the refusal of employers, Muslim women find themselves putting up internal barriers, particularly those linked to stereotypes and Islamophobia in society.

This is what Dina Zherfi, a polytechnic, and physicist at the CNRS, puts forward in an article published in Le Monde. According to her, the constant devaluation of French Muslim women in the media leads to a devaluation of their self-image, their work, and their skills.

Faced with this, what solutions are available to us, how can we restore these women’s confidence?

Can having more women in technology, start-ups and entrepreneurship help combat the Islamophobic climate they face?

The widespread use of the Internet and social networks is currently playing an important role in the empowerment of women. More and more women are starting businesses. They can be found on different websites or simply on Facebook or Instagram.

Thanks to these technologies, women can find a place in society independently of the stereotypes associated with their status as Muslim women, and beyond the recurrent discrimination, they face in the labor market. They find freedom and fulfillment, and play a crucial role in creating a more egalitarian future, inspiring other women and providing a concrete solution to socio-cultural challenges.