A Fresh Perspective on Women in Tech: From Pioneers to the Present Day

Are you aware that, despite making up more than half of university graduates, women constitute a meager 30% of the tech workforce?

Let’s delve deeper into the startling numbers and stories that map the trajectory of women in tech.

Bridging the Past and Present of Women in Technology

Did you know that the first computer program was conceptualized by a woman in the 19th century?

That’s right, Ada Lovelace laid the groundwork for what we now call programming way back in 1843. However, despite such pioneering roots, women today find themselves underrepresented in the digital landscape. Let’s explore why and how this disparity exists, and what’s changing—or not.

The Modern Reality: Current Numbers Tell a Story

When we peek into the digital industry, the numbers reflect an unsettling gender imbalance. The workforce in digital sectors currently consists of only 30% women.

But wait, there’s more—or rather, less. In some specific areas, that figure plummets to under 20%. It’s not just a localized issue either; the trend is consistent across the European Union. Among the staggering facts:

  • Just 25% of digital degree holders are women.
  • A mere 13% of women with digital degrees actually work in the digital sector.
  • A report from 2020 reveals that only 18% of ICT specialists in Europe are women.

Navigating the Corporate Ladder

Wondering how this plays out in the tech giants of Silicon Valley?

Not great, unfortunately. While women make up a small fraction of the tech workforce, their representation in leadership roles is even lower.

According to a 2019 study by AnitaB.org, women occupy only 18.5% of managerial roles in tech companies. Only 13% of managers and 7% of tech entrepreneurs are women in Silicon Valley, the world’s tech capital.

Parental Influence and Career Choices: A Vicious Cycle?

Career choices aren’t solely determined by personal interests; societal norms and parental guidance play a significant role.

Data from a 2021 study conducted by Epitech and Ipsos show a staggering discrepancy in parental encouragement toward tech careers: 61% for boys and only 33% for girls.

This, even though 56% of high school girls express an interest in tech fields. What gives?

Startups and Funding: A Tale of Imbalance

Despite these challenges, women in tech startups show promising signs. According to a 2022 report by Sista and Boston Consulting Group:

  • Men are 1.6 times more likely to secure funding than women.
  • Women have 3.4 times greater odds of securing funding when partnered with a man.
  • No all-female team has managed to raise over 50 million euros in a single round.

However, gender-diverse teams have 1.4 times higher chances of securing initial rounds of funding compared to all-male teams.

Also, for every dollar invested, female-led startups return 78 cents, almost two and a half times the 32 cents returned by male-led startups.

The Paradox: Women in Tech, a Love Story Since the 19th Century

Women have a rich legacy in tech.

Trailblazers like Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Hedi Lamar, and Mary Keller, to name just a few, paved the way for today’s digital world. Women’s contribution to tech isn’t a new phenomenon; it’s as old as the industry itself.

So what can be done to balance the scales? It’s high time for change. Gender inequality in tech isn’t just a social issue; it’s a loss to the industry itself.


How many women work in the tech industry today?
Currently, women make up about 30% of the workforce in the tech sector.

What percentage of women are in leadership roles in tech companies?
A meager 18.5% of managerial roles in tech companies are occupied by women.

Are women-led startups more successful?
According to Boston Consulting Group, for every dollar invested, female-led startups yield a return of 78 cents, compared to 32 cents for male-led startups.

Why aren’t more women entering tech?
A combination of societal norms, stereotyping, and lack of encouragement from family tends to steer women away from tech careers.

Who were some female pioneers in tech?
Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, and Hedi Lamar are some of the early women pioneers in the tech industry.

Isn’t it about time we revisit our approach and give women the representation they not only deserve but have historically earned? The numbers don’t lie, and neither does history.